Locusts of Abaddon

The locusts of Abaddon are a type of monster that appears in the book of Revelations. They had the head of a man, the teeth of a lion and the long flowing hair of a woman. They had horse like bodies, wings and scorpion tails. They were also wearing crowns and iron breast plates. No part of the demonic locusts were insect like. The insect shell and wings are my own interpretation, as Revelations doesn't state what kind of wings they have. Referring to these demons as locusts comes from their vast numbers, which is like a locust swarm. The locusts were released from the bottomless pit by Satan after the fifth angel blew their trumpet. The locusts were commanded by the demon Abaddon, also known as Apollyon, his name meaning the destroyer. The locusts were commanded to not harm the natural life of Earth but only attack sinners, or the men who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. Even then the locusts were not to kill the sinners, but just torture them relentlessly for fi...