
In the west dragons are usually associated with evil. This is especially true in the bible where Satan takes on the form of a dragon even. So it will surprise many that there are angelic dragons too. The chalkydri are angelic beasts that had the heads and tails of crocodiles, the bodies of lions and twelve wings. They were burning hot and glowed with fiery radiance. The name chalkydri meant copper serpent in ancient Greek, although the chalkydri were said to be purple in color. The chalkydri were described in the apocryphal Second Book of Enoch, where they were said to live in the heavenly sphere of the sun (the level of the heavens the sun occupied in it's rotation around the Earth in the Earth-centric Aristotelian model of the universe, rather than specifically in the sun itself). They shared this home with the phoenixes. The chalkydri were high ranking angels, associated with the similarly fiery seraphim. They were commanded by Uriel. Every morning the chalkydri and phoenixe...