Wondrous Wraith of Willow Creek

The wondrous wraith of Willow Creek was a cryptid spotted in Kentucky in 1868. The outlandish name was given to it by the newspapers reporting on the incident at the time. This monster was a fiery centaur. It had pale, corpse-colored skin all over its body. The mane and tail were made of fire covering its body. Its eyes burned with a sulfur blue. The monster stood six feet tall at the top of its head. The centaur carried a sword in one hand and a torch in the other. The fiery beast was seen by a prominent tobacco merchant, who wished to stay anonymous after his sighting. The incident happened on October 10th, 1868. The tobacco merchant was traveling through Bracken County on his way home to Brooksville. He was running late and ended up riding on dark country roads after nightfall. The monster was first spotted in the middle of the road, blocking the way forward. It breathed out a cone of flame every time it exhaled. The tobacco merchant stayed motionless on hors...