
Kamaitachi are invisible spirit weasels that ride whirlwinds and cut up victims in their path. It's debated whether the kamaitachi are invisible because they exist in the spirit world invisible to the human eye, or if they move so quickly they can't be perceived. Kamaitachi look like Japanese weasels but with sickle limbs and hedgehog like spikes on their back. Kamaitachi attack in threes. The first one slices the victim's legs and knocks them to the ground. The other slices up the victim, giving them thousands of cuts in a single second. The third applies a salve that heals the victim, ensuring none of the wounds are fatal. This leaves the victim knocked to the ground with scrapes and scratches but no serious injuries. It's said the kamaitachi do this to collect human blood, either to drink it or use it for magic. There are many region beliefs about the kamaitachi. In the Shin'etsu and Tohoku regions the kamaitachi take offence to people desecrating calendars. ...