Lake Ontario Monsters

 Lake Ontario has had it's share of monster sightings over the year. Every sighting has been drastically different, which doesn't help the credibility of this monster. Yet the different forms it takes have been fascinating. Many of the sightings have been concentrated around the shores of Kingston, which has given the monster or monsters the name Kingsie. There are more sightings than I can list here, so I will only cover the most interesting.

While sightings occurred before this point, the earliest that was given a definite date happened in July 3rd, 1817, where a ship's crew saw a giant snake like creature in the water. It was one foot in diameter and 30 to 40 feet long. The name of the ship or the crew members who witnessed the event was not given.

On July 1st, 1833, Captain Kellogg and his crew on the Polythermus saw a giant worm like creature. It was blue in color and had no obvious head, tapering to a point at both ends. The creature swam by the ship in a smooth motion as it travelled in the direction of the St Laurence River.

In 1842, no date given, two children of the McConnel family saw a creature with a large whale like head close to the shore. It was brown in color and 30 to 40 feet in length. The boys called for their father, who arrived at the shore with his shot gun. The lake monster slipped away into deeper waters before he could target it.

On July 25th, 1872, numerous people in Olcott, New York, saw a a monster leap up above the surface of the water and let out a loud bellow. It then swam away northward and out of sight

In August 1877, fishermen in Burlington Bay saw a crocodilian creature with skin like a log. It even attacked them in their small fishing boat and bit one of their oars, leaving bite marks.

In September 1881, the crew of the steam ship Gypsy witnessed a lake monster near Kingston. It was said to be like a giant salamander, 40 feet long and with very short legs. 

On August 22nd, 1882, three witnesses saw a monster near Fort York in Toronto. It was bluish grey and 50 feet long. Oddly its back was covered in bristles or quills. The creature floated near the surface while basking in the sun, raising the question if it was even alive or a floating carcass. Yet this question was answered when it eventually swam off of its own power.

In July, 1892, a couple were attacked while fishing in Brackey's Bay. The monster was long and serpentine, with spiky skin and fiery burning eyes. Interestingly this particular monster fits the description Gaasyendietha, a fiery burning serpent from Seneca mythology.

In August 1931, the most bizarre of all Lake Ontario monsters was sighted. Two doctors saw a 30 foot long monster while they sailed towards the Kingston Yacht Club. It had antlers on its head and a single eye.

In 1968, on an unknown date, an eel like creature with a mane was spotted off the shore of Scarborough.

There were a few more sightings in the 1970s of eel or serpentine creatures. After this there have been no more official reports of Kingsie in the news.  






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