Swan Valley Monster


This month I'm celebrating the one year anniversary of this blog with all my favorite monsters which I've been saving up for a special occasion. So all month long I'll be posting articles on the most bizarre and epic monsters I've come across.

On August 22, 1864 one of the strangest cryptids ever described was seen in Swan Valley, Idaho. The creature in question was spotted by an unnamed elderly man while crossing the river on the Olds Ferry. The trunk of the monster emerged from the water first, followed by the head and then the back. It swam to shore and climbed out of the water where the old man could see the rest of the creature.

The monster had a snake like head, with an elephant's trunk. Sharp teeth lined the mouth and the creature had a flickering snake like tongue which was bright red. There was a singled horn on its forehead which continually moved up an down. The monster had thick whiskers on its cheeks and a pair of fin like wings, or wing like fins on its neck behind them. It had a snake like body that was as thick as a calf, a row of porcupine quills all the way down its back. Its head was a sickly green with black and red spots like a salamander, its body covered in rainbow trout scales and its tail was like that of an alligator. It had twelve stubby, hard to notice legs, which alternated between clawed feet and hooves. The whole thing was twenty feet long.

This things breathed out green clouds of poison and smelled like a dead corpse. Venom dripped from its mouth. When it crawled onto the river bank all the plant life the creature touched or drooled on withered and died. On seeing the monster, the elderly man shot it. The creature writhed about on the shore in pain. Its blood further killing the plant life around it. The man shot it again in its belly. This time he appeared to have killed the monster.

The monster was too large to be moved by one person, so the man went into town to fetch a few helpers, a horse cart and a tarp so they wouldn't have to touch the creature directly. On the way back the stink from the monster could be smelled hundreds of yards away. The horses spooked at the sent, so one man stayed behind to calm them while the others walked on. Once they got to the shore where the creature had been it was gone again. There was a trail of dead and pressed down plants leading back into the waters. It's unknown if the monster survived or died in the water.


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