Ivanitsky Creature


During the early 1990's, in the village Petropavlovsk, Russia, was an encounter with one of the strangest cryptids I've ever heard of. This location was hardly a stranger to fortean weirdness, as it was the home to ghost lights, ufos and sightings of flying humanoid creatures. Yet the Ivanitsky creature stands out even among such sightings.

The Ivanitsky family had just moved into the area, likely not knowing about the local's history with high strangeness. The first unusual thing they encountered was unexplained chirping noises coming from various parts of their house, in the walls, the attic, and so forth. Yet the family just assumed it was crickets. After a little over a week of these occurrences, the chirping started to come from under the bed of one of the sons. Father Ivanitsky took a look under the bed and saw a ball of fur. He assumed it was a stray dog that had somehow entered the house and curled up there.

Father Ivanitsky used a broom handle to force the creature out. Instead of a dog a bizarre bat like creature emerged. It had dog like legs, bat wings, blue and grey fur. Most strangely of all it's face was like a white porcelain mask of a human face. The creature's actual mouth opened up under the bottom of the mask. The creature was about the size of a human crouching over.

The creature tried feebly to attack father Ivanitsky with a tentacle like tongue, wrapping it around his ankles to attempt to trip him.The father beat the monster near to death with the broom. It was left in a nearby gravel pit outside the village. The father went looking for more witnesses to show the creature, but when he returned to the pit it was gone.

Supposedly a hunter had encountered a similar creature in a cave in the 1960's, but there's no details of this encounter.  


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