Crazy Critter of Bald Mountain

On November 14th 1974, a fireball fell from the sky near Bald Mountain in Lewis County, Washington. The impact site stayed inexplicably lit even after the fireball hit the ground, not usual behavior for an ordinary meteorite. It was seen by several people in the nearby town of Chehalis. Things would go from unusual but explainable to outright strange three days later. On November 17, Ernest Smith saw a strange alien creature while he was out deer hunting on the slopes of bald mountain. He said it was the size and shape of a horse. It had a football shaped head with insect like eyes and a beak like mouth. The creature was covered in scales. It had four tentacle-like legs that even had suckers on the underside of them. The whole beast glowed green. While researching this beast I found conflicting descriptions on whether it had one or two antenna like protrusions from its head. I drew one here, but two are also valid. Mr Smith doesn’t elaborate on what his reaction was on find...