

Everyone knows about python snakes, but fewer people know about the ancient Greek dragon the genus was named after. It does tend to get lost in search results, after all.

Python is described by Hyginus as being a giant snake, not unlike it's real life counterparts. Although the dragon Python was said to be venomous. In later depictions from the medieval era onward Python is depicted as a more typical dragon, with legs and wings.

Python first appeared when it was sent by Hera to torment Leto after Zeus took interest in her. Once Apollo was born he sought to avenge his mother's constant torment by slaying Python. In some versions of the myth Apollo accomplished this while he was still a child. Apollo pursued Python to Delphi, where he had to enter sacred ground to slay Python. In some versions of the myth it was Python's blood that gave the location of Delphi its prophetic qualities, in other versions Delphi's placement at the centre of the world already gave it these qualities.

Because Apollo had shed blood on sacred ground Zeus punished him by making him preside over the Pythian Games.

The Pythian priestess who relayed the oracle messages at Delphi was named after Python, stemming from the version of the myth where Python's blood was the source of prophetic powers.

In some version of the myth a different dragon named Delphyne inhabited Delphi, and Python was her offspring. In this version Apollo slew both of them at different times.  



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