The Garson Invaders


Back in my introductory post I said I would cover cryptids too, and I've yet to do that. So it's about time I covered something on the forteans side of things.

On July 2nd, 1954 Candian Italian miner, Ennio La Sarza witnessed a strange object in the sky outside Garson Ontario, a small nickel mining town near Sudbury. The incident happened at 5 pm that day, and in the northern latitude of Garson days last long into the evening, so there was still ample daylight at 5 pm.

Shortly after the object appeared it hurtled town towards the ground, faster than any jet, La Sarza reported. Yet before it crashed into the ground it slowed down, deployed its landing gear and landed gently. La Sarza described the space craft as being roughly spherical in shape, 25 feet in diameter and having a circle of port hole windows encircling it's middle.

Once the space craft had landed a door opened up and lowered down like a ramp. Three creatures emerged. Although only one of them approached La Sarza. He said that the aliens were a massive 13 feet tall. They were roughly insectoid and had six pairs of limbs ending in crab claws, which could be used interchangeably as arms or legs. The aliens had oval shaped bodies and a long neck. On top this neck was a head with a single glowing eye. The head itself shined with colors which La Sarza had never seen before and had two antennas on top that were shaped like riding spurs.

La Sarza tried to turn and run, but when he glanced back at the creatures, the closest one who had approached him gave him a hypnotic stare. Somehow Ennio was frozen in place and unable to do anything except face the aliens and listen to them. The aliens communicated with La Sarza telepathically. He described it as a voice that seamed to address him inside his head.

The aliens sternly requested La Sarza perform some task which he staunchly refused. Ennio described the aliens request as apocalyptic and refused to describe to anyone, even officials, what the task was, and that he would rather die than do as the aliens had asked him.

After this point Ennio passed out, either by his own exhaustion and fear, or by the aliens causing him to do so. When he woke again the aliens were gone, the only trace being scorch marks where the space craft had landed. La Sarza reported the incident to his boss and to the RCMP. He even asked police to hold him in jail in case the aliens came back and somehow forced him to act out their request. However the police refused to do this.

La Sarza's reputation was subsequently ruined. Reported descended on his story and the small town of Garson like vultures. La Sarza was threatened by RCAF and the RCMP to stay quiet and stop spreading stories about ufos. His job and relationships suffered and he lived in constant fear that authorities would either deport him or institutionalize him. Yet Ennio still felt that the aliens posed such a threat to humanity that he had to keep warning the world about them in spite of the consequences to himself.

Before this incident La Sarza was known as an upstanding citizen and non-nonsense sort of guy. He wasn't the type of person to tell wild stories or play pranks. La Sarza had no interest in science fiction or ufo sightings.

La Sarza never revealed what the aliens wanted him to do and it remains a lingering mystery to this day. Many alien encounters give apocalyptic predictions about the future, but rarely if ever do they ask the experiencer to take part in such actions.  


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