
 The grootslang is a monster, or possibly two monsters, from South Africa. The word grootslang literally means 'big snake' in Afrikaans.

The first type of grootslang is purely mythical in nature and comes from the creation myths of pre-Christian stories, specifically those of the Zulu people. When the gods finished creating the land of the Earth they started creating the various creatures that would live on it. They made an entire species of grootslangs. These beings were a hybrid of snake an elephant, having the grace and agility of snakes, and the cunning and strength of elephants together in one being. This being their very first creation, the gods were inexperienced and didn't know how powerful they could make a creature before it was dangerous. When they made other animals the grootslangs would hunt them all down and kill them before they could get established. So the gods rounded the grootslangs up and pulled each one apart into two separate animals, a snake and an elephant. However one grootslang got away and survived intact.

The other grootslang is a modern cryptid. It's said to be a giant snake with diamonds for eyes. It's said to inhabit a cave called the Wonder Hole, which is located somewhere in the Richtersveld, in the north western corner of South Africa. This cave is said to have a deep pit, which connects to the ocean. While standing at the top of the pit one would be able to hear the ocean waves. At the bottom of the pit the cave is connected to the ocean, and this connecting tunnel is lined with precious stones of every variety, especially diamonds. However it's also guarded by the grootsland, which is so dangerous no one has returned alive from exploring the tunnel at the bottom of the cave. It's unclear if the Wonder Hole cave even exists. Several caves in the area are said to be the Wonder Hole, although none of them meets the legendary cave's description. It's also unclear if this more serpentine Grootslang is supposed to be the same one from Zulu myth, although I doubt it, as they come from opposite sides of the country.


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