Alien Octopoids


On August 16, 1968, in the Spanish countryside near Tivissa, John Mateu, an ordinary farmer, was going about his morning routines. It was 6am and the sun had just risen over the horizon. On a nearby hill some lights caught John Mateu’s eye. He assumed this was someone having car trouble and went up the hill to help them. 

When Mr. Mateu reached the top of the hill he saw a dome shaped UFO, which he described as shaped like ‘half a watermelon’. The lights were coming from the flat bottom of the spacecraft, which hovered only 4 feet off the ground. 

While observing the UFO Mr. Mateu noticed two creatures came running for the UFO. He described them as having bulbous bodies that stood on top tentacles, somewhat like an octopus. However they had grimacing faces instead of just a pair of eyes on their fronts. As well they had either four or five tentacles, that they stood upright on like legs. The aliens were only three feet in height. 

The two aliens entered the space craft via a ramp which lowered for them. The ramp then rose back up. And right after the UFO sped off into the sky and out of sight. 

Mr. Mateu returned to his farm only to find out from his wife, and his brother Sebastian, that he had been missing for an entire day, which John Mateu had no memory of. Adding to the strangeness of the situation, his wife and brother were going about their ordinary chores for the day and were not the least bit concerned that John had been missing. 

Later that day John and Sebastian went to the top of the hill to look for any traces of the UFO or aliens. They found grass which had been burned in a perfect oval, just like the shape of the UFO. Furthermore they found several other patches of similarly burned grass, which looked older, as if the aliens had been visiting the hill top for the past few weeks unnoticed. 

The two brothers were able to convince a scientist to come out and look at the burn marks. The scientist couldn’t determine what caused the burns, but noted that there was a higher than normal electrical field in the burn patch. John and Sebastian also observed that their watches would stop inside the burned area. 

The case became known to the public on August 27 of the same year, when Sebastian wrote to the Barcelona Tele-Express news paper about his brother’s experiences. He took great lengths to hide his and his brother’s identity, providing fake names and no return address. The eastern Spanish countryside became covered in UFO hunters, who desperately searched for the location of the UFO and the two brother’s identities. Unfortunately for the Mateu brothers, their identities were uncovered. Both of them refused to be interviewed or provide further information, feeling that their privacy had already been unduly disrupted by these hunters. 



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